tayammum steps hanafi for male and female

In Tayyam's statement
Four things are obligatory in Tayammum. I describe them so that you may know them. Those doing Tayammum remember that there must be intention and soil in Tayammum. In this, remember that the soil should be from a clean place. If you people do not know about the intention, it is to obtain purity for your prayer. Strike both your hands on the holy dust. So put your hands on your face for purification.
Then again immediately strike your hands on the pure dust and meet them from both your wrists to your elbows. In Tayammum, understand well that covering well according to religion is a requirement.
Things that break ablution. Those things also break Tayyam. If pure water is found by a person performing Tayammum, then Tayammum ends immediately. If a person is at a distance of one mile from water, this tayammum will keep that person pure. But if the water is at a distance of less than one mile, then there is no dispute about the invalidity of Tayammum.
According to Islamic law, the mile is the third part of Farsakh. Remember this if you want to gain knowledge and wisdom. Four thousand paces of a slow-moving camel are called the third part of a farsakh. A farsakh is a distance that is more than three miles. That means the distance is 18 thousand feet.
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