ghusl steps and bath ke faraiz and sunnat for male and female

Statement of bath
In the description of the duties of the first chapter Ghusl:
A person who is wise and mature. Three things are obligatory in his bath. Pouring water into the mouth and nose. Then pour water all over your body.
Secondly, in the statement of the Saints of Ghusl:
There are five Sunnahs of Ghusl in total. It is better for you to remember them than to acquire wealth. First, wash your hands and your private parts. Then remove the impurities from your body. After that perform ablution for the pleasure of Allah and the Messenger of Allah. Wash the body three times from head to toe. Some women braid their hair. They may not open their hair. They should get water to the roots of their hair. If you do this, do not open the knotted hair.
The third chapter in the description of the amount of water for bath and ablution:
You have read in the Quran not to exceed the limit. Therefore, it is important not to waste free water. When it is not permissible to wastewater, what can be wrong to waste life? The quantity of water in ablution is one and a half kilos. Four kilos have been taught for Ghusl. Abstaining from half a kilo in ablution. There is also half a kilo for the hands and mouth. Then if there is anything left from this half kilo, then he should wash his feet with it according to his knowledge. Learn to perform ghusl in such a way that two and a half kilos of water flow from your head. This listed precaution is at home. When you get less water. If, O my friend, it is at home or by the river. So there is no harm in spending more water.
In the description of things that make Ghusl obligatory:
If he wants to learn the things of Shariat. So you should work hard, try and be compassionate. Remember that you will be asked about it in the Hereafter. It is not good that you should be ashamed to find out. One should not be ashamed to seek the truth of work from anyone other than Allah. Ghusl is obligatory for both men and women. When a woman is free from menstruation and gifts, it becomes obligatory for her to take a ghusl according to the Shariah. If a woman's period becomes longer. Hanifah means entering the head of Zakir in front of or behind a woman or behind a man. Ghusl is obligatory on both, with or without lust, ejaculation or not. Janabat also makes Ghusl obligatory on both men and women.
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