I Need Best Good Advice or Advise for Friends About Life

I Need Best Good Advice or Advise for Friends About Life
Forty years of your dear age have passed. But your mood has not changed from childhood. Your dear age is getting shorter all the time. Yet you did not engage with Allah. You are still busy with sports. You spent all your life with greed. You wasted all your life in debauchery. You did not engage in good deeds even for a moment. You have not even for a moment adapted to goodness. Don't trust your immature age. O my dear friend, don't be afraid of the cycle of time. By the rotation of time and by the fall of time you are moving towards death. So don't expect anything from life that you will live and worship.
Because life cannot be trusted and life is a perishable commodity. If you want to be sustainable, then you must adopt the path of grace. The path of grace means becoming a person with great dignity.
O my heart! Whoever laid the table of kindness. He became famous in the world of kindness. Because the saints of Allah are kind companions. They never die. Kindly means forgiving. That is, people say that that person is very kind. Kindness will make you famous in this world. Kindness will make you successful in a place of peace. This refers to the status of the saints that the glory of God Almighty is manifested in human beings. Just as the rays of the sun create the effect of heat and light in water. By being kind in this way, you too will be glorified. You will shine in the world.
Observing is a greater position than glory, because in observing you know the true self. Observance of saints is of two types. 1. Indirect and 2. Indirectly. Indirectly: The glory of Allah's attributes is seen in God's creation, such as man and horse. Indirect: To see the Almighty without creation. So kindness will give you grace in time. You will get the sight of the Almighty among the people of the world. Kindness will make you successful in the future. You will see the truth without the help of creatures. There is no worthwhile work in this world except kindness. There is no other market nobler than this. Our best job is to be kind. There is no good work in the world without kindness.
Kindness is the capital of happiness. Kindness is the gift of life. There is nothing useful in life except kindness. Keep the heart of the world fresh with kindness. Decorate the world with the fame of grace and kindness. Always be steadfast in being kind. Because the creator of this world is also kind. Since God Almighty is kind, then create this radiance of God in yourself. All God's works are good. Therefore, a person should also adopt good actions.
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