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I thought that I would be rich and A Moral Lesson for students

I thought that I would be rich and A Moral Lesson for students

Dear children!You must have heard the name of the very famous man Sheikh Chili. You also enjoyed his stories a lot. Today we tell his silly story. In a village there lived an old woman who had only one son. was called Chile. He was a thief, stupid, lazy and lazy. He just loved showing off too much.

Where he saw some people sitting together, he sat down with them and, without giving them a chance to converse, began to relate his false and true exploits. The villagers were very tired of his habit and his name was "Sheikh". Chile". Like his name, he made grand, fanciful plans but never carried out any of them. One day a person got angry with his habit of making "Khiali Palau" and said to him: "Sheikh Sahib! You are so Why make big plans?

After a week you have to leave this world, you have to think about your death".

It was heard that after a week the insane Sheikh Chili was convinced of his death and began to prepare for it. First he made a grave for himself and lay down to die in it. He lay in it for six days but there was no ghost. When the seventh day came, Shaykh Chili thought for a long time and decided that it was mine. It is the last day of life. It occurred to him that the angel of death might come quickly to seize my soul. If he delivers a basket of eggs to my house, I will give him one Ashrafi as a reward.

When he heard the name of Sheikh Chili Ashrafi, he came out of the grave, took a basket of eggs and placed them on his head. When the owner of the basket saw this, he said, "Sheikh Sahib, just take it with you, don't break the eggs or you will die." I will not, instead I will pay damages.

Sheikh Chili proudly said: Mian Sahib! I'm Sheikh Chili, I'm not a little fat man, the whole town knows me," he says, leaving with a basket of eggs.

He had a habit of making imaginary pilaf, walking along the road with a basket of eggs on his head, his mind became agitated and began to make imaginary pilaf: " I will get one ashrafi by selling one egg. In this way I will accumulate a lot of money. I will buy, she will give eggs, I will sell eggs and I will buy a goat that will give birth, I will sell the baby goats and buy a cow. The cow will milk give, my children will ask for milk, and I will say to them: "Take this milk." As he said this, he removed both hands holding the basket, causing it to fall to the ground and break all the eggs.

When the owner of the egg saw this scene, he cried and said, "Hey, my eggs," while Sheikh Chili cried, "Hey, my children." When the people heard the lamentations of the two, the people gathered and after listening to Sheikh Chili, he convinced him that "You are not even married, where did the children come from, that you cry, yes, the damage you have done to the owner. . eggs." , You will have to pay for this loss. When the case reached Sheikh Chili's father, he appeared in the court and paid the amount of the loss. After paying the amount of the loss, he ordered Sheikh Chili's throat be removed.

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