Noor Mustafa is The first Special Creation of Allah Subhan Allah Tala

Imam al-Muhadditheen Hazrat Imam Abd al-Razzaq bin Hammam narrates with his chain of transmission from Hazrat Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari (RA) that: I asked Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH). Ya Rasulullah ﷺ! Tell me, when Allah Ta'ala intended to recognize Himself, what was the first thing He created? So the Prophet ﷺ said: O Jabir! Indeed, by the power of Allah Ta'ala, that light started circling. Where Allah willed. At that time there was no record, of heaven, hell, angels, heaven, earth, sun, moon, jinn, and man.
Then when Allah Ta'ala intended to create creation, He divided this light into four parts. Created the pen from the first part. The other part created the tablet. The third part created the Throne. Divided the fourth part into four parts. The first part created the angels who bear the throne. A chair was created from the other part. In the third part, the angels were created. The fourth part is then divided into four parts. From the first part, the heavens were created. From another, the lands were created. From the third heaven and hell were created. The fourth part was then divided into four parts. From the first part, He created light for the eyes of the believers. From the other part, He created the light of their hearts, which is the knowledge of Allah. From the third part, he created the light of their familiarity and that is Tawheed. There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
1. What was created first? This question can be answered by him. Who knows. So it became known that Hazrat Jabir (R.A.) had faith. Indeed, the Prophet ﷺ was born later. But which is the first creation? The Prophet ﷺ knows this.
2. The Prophet ﷺ also did not say, O Jabir! I was born later. What should I know? The Prophet ﷺ made it clear by saying, O Jabir, you have asked the right question. I know the beginning and the end by the grace of Allah.
3. It is known that the knowledge of God is also blessed to this heart. Who has the belief that the Prophet ﷺ is the light?
4. It was also known that he knows monotheism. Who believes in my noble and loving Prophet ﷺ as a light. Those who do not believe that the Prophet ﷺ is the Light of God. There is neither light on their faces nor knowledge of God in their hearts. That is why, till today, no one could be a Wali except Ahlus Sunnat and Jamaat.
Prophet ﷺ was created first. The Prophet ﷺ was decorated with the light of mercy. The Prophet ﷺ was created in such a way that Allah Almighty himself was pleased to create the Prophet ﷺ.
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