Inspirational Quotes and achievements about life for All human beings Success

All praises are to Allah the Exalted Who is the One and Only. Countless blessings and peace be upon our Lord and Master whom Allah Almighty has sent as mercy and guidance for all the world. Who made the most excellent and perfect in every way. All the qualities and perfections have been collected by Allah in the holy person of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. Allah Ta'ala ordered the obedience and following of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ as follows: Verily, it is better for you to follow the Messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naaimi, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: Follower means following someone's footsteps. Walking is what you see him doing. At one point he said: Take whatever the Messenger gives you and refrain from what he forbids. Obedience to the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is obligatory in every matter. For the one who spends his life obeying and following him, he said: Allah will keep you as a friend and forgive your sins, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
He further said: And whoever Allah and His Messenger If he obeys, he has achieved great success. By achieving great success, it means that that person has achieved great success due to his obedience to Allah and the Messenger. A person who obeys Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) are successful in attaining the goal. He is praised in this world and will be blessed with happiness in the hereafter. Each of us wishes for goodness and success in this world and the hereafter. Both where the goodness and success of Makki Madani are in obedience to the Master.
There is goodness and success in following the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ. Thus, everyone should follow the Sunnahs and live their lives. To learn the Sunnahs, study the blessed life and life of the beloved Prophet ﷺ carefully. Religious brothers should learn and teach the way of walking, sitting, sleeping, waking, eating, drinking, talking, and great manners according to the way of the Messenger of Allah. Try to apply them to yourself for both success and well-being. Make it your routine to do your daily calculations. God willing, both of them will be blessed with his blessings. May Allah grant us the ability to learn the Sunnahs and follow them, and may He have mercy on us in the spirit of spreading them. Amen.
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