How to perform Wudu or Ablution in Islam

In the description of the duties of ablution:
Prayers are offered in the morning and evening and during the day and night to obtain the pleasure and goodness of Allah Ta'ala. By praying, you increase the pleasure and reward of Allah Ta'ala. Remember that ablution is obligatory for prayer. Ablutions are nothing more than four duties.
1. The first duty is to wash the hands and mouth.
2. Washing both hands including elbows.
3. Wiping the fourth part of your head.
4. Washing both feet including the ankles. All these must be known as the duties of ablution.
In the statement of the saints of ablution:
Ten things are sunnah in ablution. Who knew and studied it. He is the agent of Sharia. Abstinence to achieve purity. Washing hands before miswak are Sunnah of Rasulullah ﷺ. After that say Bismillah with a pure heart. Rinse. Wipe the ear. To please Allah Ta'ala and to get the reward, wash the organs three times in ablution. Also interrupting the toes. It is narrated from Mustafa ﷺ without proof. Then trim the beard. Pouring water into the nose. I have explained all of them in order to obtain the pleasure of Allah, good deeds, rewards, and success in this world and the hereafter. If you perform ablution and the parts of the ablution are wet, then it is not permissible. Just pouring water on the organ is not enough. All of them should be washed thoroughly to achieve purity.
In the description of the Mustahabof ablution:
Six things are called mustahab in ablution. First intention. After that, soak the whole organ well. Wipe the entire head. Completing ablutions in sequence. Starting on the right side with politeness and order. If you do the ablution well. So wiping the neck is also included in this category.
In describing the abominations of ablution:
Pouring water into the mouth and nose with the left palm is considered makruh. Splashing water vigorously in your mouth. Taking care of your hidden space. Water is a great blessing of Allah. Therefore, intentional spitting in water is also included in this process. Talking in the bathroom. If you wipe your nose with your right hand. So of course you talk about doing abomination. A person who knows these six abominations. He always lives in the pleasure and goodness and comfort of Allah and His Messenger.
In the description of things that break ablution
If the wind came out from the back of a man or a woman. Similarly, a drop of urine of a man or a woman was discharged. This will definitely break your ablution. But if a person passes air from the front part, it does not break ablution. If a mouthful of vomit comes, ablution is also broken. Sleeping while leaning also breaks ablution. Because no one can rely on sleep. Laughter, fainting, madness, and ecstasy during prayer break the ablution. Intimate prostitution means that a man touches his penis with a woman's private parts or a man's private parts in the state of sexual intercourse, or a woman touches a woman's private parts, provided that there is no obstacle, then ablution is broken.
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