Best and Good Yoga Classes Near Me
Deciding: "I want to look for yoga classes near me" is step one. Finding the best yoga course for your needs is the next step in the sequence. But how and where do you start?
With so many adverts in the paper, posters in supermarkets, suggestions on Facebook and, of course, listings on phone directories for personal yoga trainers or group classes, it can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.
About half of the UK population is physically active, and of those, more and more are turning to yoga, hence why the fitness regime is becoming so popular.
We refer to it as a regime, because yoga is actually an activity situated between physical exercise and personal growth. It is a discipline, an outlook, a way of life.
But how to choose the right yoga teacher? Keeping the above in mind, it is really important to find a tutor who is in tune with you and your aura or soul, as the idea of yoga is to get in touch with your spiritual side.
As such, you may have many criteria to take into consideration if you want to start on your spiritual journey right.
1. What Style of Yoga Classes Should You Choose?
The first step when looking for beginner yoga classes is to choose the right yoga course for you.
There are several types of yoga that offer very different benefits, so be sure to think about your aims and objectives when starting to practise yoga. You'll find some tips and suggestions below to get you started.
Not everybody wants to start yoga for the same reasons. Though some do it to learn to relax and de-stress, others see it as a way of doing sports and improve their health and physical fitness. Both aspects are part of the benefits of yoga practised on a regular basis, which means that the clientele is very varied and broad.
So you first have to determine your personal needs.
What are your reasons for learning yoga?
Different people choose to practise yoga for different reasons. It is important to find a yoga style that suits your needs. (Photo credit: United Nations Photo via VisualHunt)
A quick Google search of Yoga classes near me will give you an idea of what is available in your local area.
A lot of people want a gentle introduction to yoga. In this case, Hatha Yoga is the best bet. It initiates you to the basics of yoga without being too strenuous.
Others will find a new way of de-stressing with Vishranta Yoga’s different relaxing postures.
Pregnant women will want to try out Prenatal Yoga to learn proper breathing techniques. It also helps relax your muscles and improve your flexibility. Remember, if you haven't practised yoga before falling pregnant then you should always join a class rather than trying to do moves, poses and stretches on your own at home as your body won't be used to it.
Others prefer to practise yoga for the exercise. Once you get to a certain level, the benefits of yoga are the same as for football or fitness. It can also help you lose weight and stay fit.

Vinyasa Yoga is good for exercise junkies. It is based on Ashtanga yoga, the loftiest and complicated form of yoga. It is not recommended as a beginner yoga course.
For those wishing to learn meditation techniques, Kripalu Yoga is perfect. It uses breathing exercises to teach you to live in the present moment.
But beyond the choice of what type of yoga, you also need to ask yourself: how do you want to learn yoga?
Do you want to try a yoga institute or yoga studio, or go for private lessons instead? Each has its own advantages.
While yoga studios and institutes are ideal for meeting other people passionate about yoga, private lessons are more flexible and easier to adapt to your timetable - and often cost less. Some people feel daunted by the idea of a one-to-one yoga class because all of the attention is on them, but it can be so much more beneficial to have the tutor's undivided attention. That doesn't mean to say that you won't get any help during a group session, you may just have to listen more and observe what others are doing right or wrong.
If you lead a very active life, why not choose the hours of your yoga lessons yourself by arranging them with your private tutor? Yoga is supposed to bring a sense of calm and inner peace into your life, so why should you be rushing around trying to make the start of a class if it isn't particularly convenient a time or a place? You don't want to enter the studio feeling tired, overwhelmed or stressed before you have even begun! With private lessons, you can choose what is the best time for you to stretch and relax, which means that you can bring it seamlessly into your lifestyle as opposed to fitting your life around the class.
What's more, you won't be constrained by the usual 'after work' hours that are so often offered - and won’t abandon yoga simply because you don’t have the time or don't feel up to after a long day at work.
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