7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss, Gm Diet Day 7
7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss For Vegetarians
Can you believe that you can lose weight in just 7 days? Do not take weight loss pills, do not tolerate painful surgeries. Read the 7 Day Diet Plan For Weight Loss For Vegetarians below to know that it is not a joke.

Maintaining a healthy weight is a constant and long-term goal.
However, sometimes you need to lose a few pounds quickly, for example, to meet your weight requirements, or to feel more confident in a bikini, or to wear a dream wedding dress.
If you want to find a way to lose weight within 7 days, this is the article for you.
quick weight loss diet plan
However, keep in mind that the safety level of weight loss(WL) in 7 days is the limit. To really reduce calories, burn fat, build muscle and maintain results for long periods, you will have to significantly change your diet and lifestyle habits.
But don’t worry because this article will give you some useful tips.
Set Goals for 7 day diet plan for weight loss
Setting realistic weight or health goals is a good start to your WL plan. As a result, you can monitor and endeavor to achieve the progress set during the 7-day period. Answer exactly how much weight you want to lose.
For example, you want to lose 3 kg in the next 7 days, i.e. 0.9 kg every 2 days. Each 0.9 kg is equivalent to 6200 calories, meaning you need to reduce 3100 calories per day. From this example, you can calculate yourself to suit your own goals.
You may also want to set goals for exercise or other lifestyle-related issues. For example, you can plan your workout 3 days a week, 30 minutes at a time. This is not only extremely beneficial for health but also very good for you.
Check Measurements
Testing measurements are the most effective way to monitor your progress. At the same time, you have the basis to determine whether the diet and exercise program is effective.
Checking your weight regularly is a simple way to track your progress. Do this 1-2 times a day and note the change in weight over time.
30 day meal plan for weight loss
Only weight is not enough, you can also consider taking measurements to have a more comprehensive view of your WL process. They help you identify the parts of your body where your weight has been reduced.
Take measurements of your shoulder, chest, waist, hip, thigh on the first day. Over a week, you will see important changes.
Only weight is not enough, you can also consider taking measurements to have a more comprehensive view of your WL process. They help you identify the parts of your body where your weight has been reduced.

Take measurements of your shoulder, chest, waist, hip, and thigh on the first day. Over a week, you will see important changes.
1. What Is General Motors Diet?
Currently, overweight and obesity are no longer a problem for a few people but the general condition of nearly one-third of the world population.
The fact that the more modern society is, the more likely it is that people will be overweight and obese.
The emergence of advanced technology devices helps people save a lot of labor, leading to physical activity being increasingly restricted.
In addition, unhealthy eating habits are also one of the main causes of excess energy accumulation in the form of white fat.
In the multitude of diet plans that appear more and more on the Internet and books, there is a diet that has been rigorously tested at Johns Hopkins University Research Center (USA) in 1985 before widely spread out. It is a 7-day General Motors (GM) diet which was developed by GM Motors Corp in partnership with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
7 day diet plan to lose 10 pounds
The GM weight loss plan works on the principle of choosing foods that provide a lower calorie than the calories needed for activities. Thus, the calorie burning process takes place more naturally and positively. As a result, after 7 days, your weight will be reduced by 4 – 7kg / week and your spirit will be greatly improved.
General Motors diet is simple, but not easy. This method only includes fruits, vegetables, juices, soups and proteins like meat or cheese. Its goal is to create body metabolism, reduce cravings and detoxify the body. In addition, if applied for 7 days, it will help you reduce weight and maintain a healthy diet.
Here is the diet menu according to the GM method:
Day 1: Fruits
The first day is the hardest day of this diet plan. You can only eat fruits throughout the day. Eat fruits several times a day because they are high in fiber but low in calories. In this day, you only load up to 1,000-1,200 calories.
However, a fruit you should not consume on this day is bananas. The best choices are watermelons, strawberries, cantaloupe, custard apple, and peaches.
Day 2: Vegetables
On the second day of the diet, you should only eat vegetables. Note that potatoes contain lots of carbs so you should only eat it at breakfast.
You can eat according to your needs and prepare by boiling, steaming or eating raw but not using salt or cooking oil. Besides, drink plenty of water, from 8-12 cups.
Day 3: Vegetables And Fruits
Today, the body is ready to start burning excess fat. You can plan according to your preferences: fruits in the morning, vegetables at noon – afternoon, fruits for dinner.
diet meal plan to lose weight
Make sure there are no bananas and potatoes on the menu! Fried, hot and spicy dishes should also be limited for these 7 days.
Day 4. Banana And Milk
On the 4th day, you need bananas to supply lost potassium and sodium. However, eating bananas at acceptable levels, not eating much.
GM has come up with the formula: 8-10 bananas can be combined with 3 cups of sugar – free milk a day (250ml milk/glass). Remember not to eat any other foods.
So, how to get the menu for the whole day? Here are suggestions for you:
Morning: 1 banana + 1 cup of milk.
Noon: 2 bananas + 1 cup of milk.
Afternoon: 3 bananas.
Night: 2 bananas + 1 cup of milk.
Day 5: Brown Rice And Tomatoes
So you have entered the 5th day of WL.
Today you are allowed to eat 6-7 tomatoes and 1 bowl of brown rice. Because our bodies get more protein, you need to drink 12-15 cups of water to remove uric acid.
Day 6: Brown Rice And Vegetables
Until today, have you seen the difference in your appearance?
Let continue to maintain the diet according to GM’s diet menu by eating 2 brown rice bowls a day with vegetables. You can eat as many vegetables as you want.
It is best to choose vegetables such as cabbage, squash, bitter melon, and lettuce.
Note that do not eat tomatoes on this day.
Day 7: Rice, Vegetables And Fruits
It is the last day of the WL journey.
Make friends with brown rice, all your favorite vegetables, and optional fruit juices. This perfect combination will help your body eliminate any toxins and excess fat.
Surely until today, you can feel that your body has a lot of positive changes.
simple meal plan to lose weight
Do you know that satiety is not based solely on the amount of food you eat? It also depends a lot on the eating time. Let your body feel full and don’t eat fast, chew slowly, eat slowly. This is also a way for you to feel the taste of the dish completely.
Is the evening really the enemy? It is not if we know how to choose a reasonable dinner time. It’s is best to eat at least 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you eat too late, the amount of food that is not consumed is easy to accumulate in the fat of the abdomen, thighs, biceps, and calves.
To maintain the implementation of the GM diet, experts recommend that you should do light exercise, walking or yoga. Diets provide low carb sources, so you won’t be able to participate in strengthening exercises.
Drink plenty of water to cut down on calories, promote fat burning, and reduce cravings.
If you still have not achieved the desired weight, you can re-apply this diet regularly. However, you need to rest 3 days before each repeat.
Military Diet For 7 Days: Meals Plan
Military Diet For 7 Days: Meals Plan
Military Diet For 7 Days
What Is Military Diet Meals Plan?
People with hypertension should not try this method.
With this method, you need to perform diet for 3 days in a row. After that, you have 4 days to rest and consume normal foods. Keep doing so alternately until you get the desired result.
This military diet will help your body get used to the low-calorie intake and increase the burning of excess fat in your body. Please persevere within at least 1 week to reduce 4.5kg.
Specific Instructions About Meals Plan
This is meal plan for 7 day
Day 1: 1,400 Calories
Breakfast: 1 slice of toast with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, ½ grapefruit, and 1 cup of green tea or 1 cup of black coffee.
Lunch: 1 cup of green tea or 1 cup of black coffee and 1 slice of bread served with ½ cup of tuna.
Dinner: 100g of any kind of meat combined with 1 cup of green beans, 1 small apple, ½ banana and 1 cup of sugarless vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Day 2: 1,200 Calories
Breakfast: 1 slice of bread, 1 boiled egg, and ½ banana.
Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of cheese and 5 pieces of salty biscuits.
Dinner: 2 sausages, ½ cup of broccoli, ½ boiled or raw carrots and ½ banana with 1 vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Day 3: 1,100 Calories
Breakfast: 1 piece of cheddar cheese, 5 salty biscuits.
Lunch: 1 slice of bread and 1 boiled egg.

Dinner: 1 cup of tuna and ½ banana with 1 vanilla ice cream for dessert.
Day 4 + 5 + 6 + 7:
Apply the usual diet, but avoid eating fried, spicy and prepared foods.
To get the best results, you should apply this method several times continuously.
When applying this method, you need to pay attention to drinking plenty of water, restricting sugary drinks and stimulants, such as coffee, alcohol, beer, and soft drinks.
After persistently applying this military diet for 3 days in a row, you can have light meals for the next 4 days. However, it is important to avoid consuming foods that are high in fat and sugar.
There, Ostomy Lifestyle have just found out two great WL methods that will definitely change your weight. Always remember that do not give up when applying any diet or exercise. The lack of patience will make you gain weight instead of losing weight.
No matter how you are, always keep a positive attitude. Stress will only make your weight worse. Wish you have a good day!
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