How To Get Fair Neck in a Week | How To Get Fair Neck
How To Get Fair Neck in a Week | How To Get Fair Neck
Mostly people pay attention on their face and moisture it with lotion and cream but ignore the neck. This ignorance leads to black neck that does not look good.
This is necessary to give proper attention to neck as well. If your neck gets black color and you want to fair color of neck like your face, then follow these home remedies for removing spots on neck.
We are discussing here in English and beauty tips in Urdu for the ease of people.
Apply olive oil or almond oil on your neck before going to bed three days a week.
Mix 2-3 tbsp yogurt and a pinch of yeast, massage gently this mixture on your neck for 10 minutes. Then clean it with wet towel. Do this process once in 15 days before taking bath. After 2-3 application your will see clear result.
Aloe vera is a natural skin lightener. Use Aloe vera gel to clean the darkness of neck.
Extract Aloe vera gel from the leaf and gently massage on the neck and leave for 20 minutes. After that wash. Repeat daily for a better result until neck black color is completely remove.
Lemon juice has citric acid and this is a natural bleaching agent.
Dab a cotton ball in lemon juice and apply on skin for 20 minutes then wash with normal water. If your skin is sensitive then dilute the lemon juice with water. Avoid to go in sunlight while applying lemon on skin.
A mixture of lemon juice and rose water is also good to lightener the black skin of neck. Take equal quantity of both and apply on neck for over night. Next morning clean with wet towel. Continue for 1 month to see the visible result.
Beauty Tips
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