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Top 100 Happy Birthday Status for Husband, Birthday Quotes Mashup

Top 100 Happy Birthday Status for Husband, Birthday Quotes Mashup

Happy Birthday Status for Husband, My Birthday Status, Best Friend Birthday Status, Birthday Status for Friend, Birthday Status for Me, Birthday Status in English, Birthday Status for Whatsapp, Birthday Wishes Status, Happy Birthday To Me Status, Friend Birthday Status.

Happy Birthday Status for Husband, My Birthday Status, Best Friend Birthday Status, Birthday Status for Friend, Birthday Status for Me

Happy Birthday Status for Husband, Birthday Quotes Mashup

701. I feel so happy to celebrate such happy birthday with me, my love my husband!

702. Please forgive me for the delayed wishes. Hope your day was nothing but extraordinary. Happy late birthday my habby.

703. Congratulations on looking like you only aged one year since your last birthday.

704. Life should not only be lived, it should be celebrated. Happy Birthday.

705. Someone I love was born today.

706. Have a super fabulous Full-O-Good-Stuff king of Birthday.

707. A birthday wish is sent your way, Hoping you will have a wonderful day, Surrounded by people you hold most dear, Gathered to celebrate one more year, A day is wished for you, I hope it lasts the whole year through.

708. Start each day like it's your birthday.

709. Wish you a very Happy Birthday. May life lead you to great happiness, success and hope that all your wishes comes true. Enjoy your day.

710. May your birthday be filled with sunshine and smile, laughter, love and cheer. Happy Birthday.

711. Birthday are the perfect time for remembering special people like you because you mean so much to me. For the sweet person you are; and the kind things you do; May life's special blessings be yours all year through. Happy Birthday.

712. You are older today than yesterday but younger than tomorrow. Happy Birthday.

713. A wish for you on your Birthday, Whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek, may you find, whatever you wish, may it be fulfilled. On your Birthday and always. Happy Birthday

714. It is the perfect time to give a good start to another year. It's the time to feel good about everything. May you get everything, you wish with every passing year. Happy Birthday.

715. I always dream about you, you gave smile to my lips, you are my heartbeat, you are my angel and you are the light on my life. Happy birthday.

716. It is the simplest things that make your life count, like a simple wish Happy Birthday.

717. Happy Birthday to my Mom the women who sacrificed many a gracious moment in her life, so that I could have them in mine.

718. You have given me reason to celebrate life in a memorable way. May all your dreams come true on this special day. Happy Birthday.

719. Man of my dreams, first love of my life and the perfect man ever-most girls dedicate these words to their boyfriends, I dedicated them to you. Happy Birthday Dad.

720. If it were not for you, I would have never known what love is. Thank you for being my wife. I love you and I wish the best for you on your special day.

721. Happy Birthday my most beautiful, my darling, my mom, my dear, my best friend. May your day be as bright as you.

722. Happy birthday mom. There is nothing more precious than the gentle ties that bind us together.

723. Sending you all my love on your birthday to keep your heart warm the whole year through. Happy Birthday, my dearest.

724. Wishing you happiness to welcome each morning, wishing you laughter to make your heart sing. Wishing you friendship sharing and caring, and all of the joy the Birthday can bring.

725. Hope your birthday is complete with joy, love and special treats for a day of fun that cannot be beat.

726. Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece.

727. May everything happy and everything bright, be yours on your birthday from morning till night.

728. Happy Birthday to a Dad whose first name is brilliant middle name is awesome and last name is fabulous.

729. I could never find a gift that would measure to the love you have showered on me in. Dad, you are my hero, my role model, the man who I look up to and dream to become. Wish you have a wonderful Birthday.

730. Your birthday is the ideal time to say. No words are enough to thank you for all the joys you have showered on me. Wishing you all the happiness on your Birthday.

731. The best part of everyday is sharing it with a person like you. I love you honey. Happy birthday.

732. You are the prettiest, you are the cutest you are most charming, you are most intelligent I have never seen someone who is elegant Baby, I love you a lot. Happy Birthday.

733. It is you and only you that my heart wants and my soul crave for. Happy birthday my love. 

734. Happy birthday to the most amazing person I know, I do not have words to express and emotions to show, May this birthday bring a smile on your face, In my heart, you will always have a special place. Happy birthday Dad.

735. You make my life complete. I do not know how I can survive this world without you and your charming presence.

736. It matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be.

737. Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The Soul that rises with us our life’s Star Hath had elsewhere its setting and cometh from afar: Not in entire forgetfulness.

738. I am so grateful that I have you as my dad. Thanks for always for all the support that you have given to me. Thank you for being a kind and caring Father. Love you Dad. Happy Birthday.

739. Daddy, on your Birthday I want to say you are special in every way. I love you more than words can say. Have a great birthday.

740. May your birthday be special, May everything go your way, May you only receive warm wishes, May you have the perfect day.

741. From cassettes to floppies to CDs to pen drives – your life has come a long way. Happy 35th birthday.

742. Live your life and forget your age.

743. Life’s biggest achievement are not the degrees and promotions, but the memories and friendships you make along the way. Happy birthday.

744. New Year's Day is every man's birthday.

745. Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.

746. We turn not older with years, but newer every day. 

747. A friend is, as it were, a second self.

748. A true friend is someone who knows all about you and likes you just the same.

749. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.

750. Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

751. Happy Birthday with a great morning, a wonderful afternoon and a blessed high.

752. Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.

753. May God bless you on your birthday and may his presence enrich your life today and always.

754. A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, and a golden thread to the meaning of life.

755. Life should not be lived, it should be celebrated. Happy Birthday.

756. Happy Birthday to my love, my life, my lover, my best friend, my laughter, my soul mate my one and only.

757. Going to party like it's my birthday because it is.

758. Hugs and kisses and a lot of birthday wishes.

759. Your birthday is in March like the coming of the spring. I am constantly reminded of the sunshine that you bring. May you always be as happy as you can along the way. May the love and joy you give be returned to you each day.

760. You are a February baby and this card is just for you though hearts and flowers line the streets your day is special too. I am sending you my blessings that the years will find you strong and in this month of love and caring I am passing mine along.

761. A birthday in May can be delight most day are warm, sunny and bright. May all your dreams come true. May you have love and happiness too.

762. Happy Birthday from the heart cause that is where all great wishes start.

763. Do not just count your years, make your years count.

764. I think, at a child's birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.

765. On a royal birthday every house must fly a flag, or the owner would be dragged to a police station and be fined twenty-five rubbles.

766. On this special day, I wish you all the very best, all the joy you can ever have and may you be blessed abundantly today, tomorrow and the days to come.

767. A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age.

768. To me - old age is always ten years older than I am.

769. I am sure that there is no other person in this world whose heart is as beautiful as yours. After all I know you so damn well. Happy Birthday buddy. I wish you live a thousand years.

770. You are on the right track my friend. Keep working hard keep partying hard. Happy Birthday I am hungry for your love I will not mind some good wine and cheese as sides. Happy Birthday.

771. Let us celebrate the occasion with wine and sweet words.

772. Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. 

773. God gave us the gift of life it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.

774. The return of my birthday if I remember it fills me with thoughts which it seems to be the general care of humanity to escape.

775. If there is something you are imaging of then may everything be realized because you deserve everything' HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

776. A gift with a kind countenance is a double present.

777. There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents and only one for birthday presents you know.

778. Neither fire nor wind birth nor death can erase our good deeds.

779. The advantage of being exactly halfway between your thirties and forties is that you can switch between acting young and old whenever you want. Happy 35th birthday.

780. From our birthday until we die is but the winking of an eye.

781. Oh I did not comprehend it was happy hopping moron day.

782. Everything I have longed for you have made my dreams come true. But the greatest gift of all is being loved by you Have a really lovely Birthday Indeed I will see that you do.

783. A gift consists not in what is done or given but in the intention of the giver or doer.

784. They share mothering Sunday together with a title but feelings and tempers are not the identical. Although sometimes they may dispute their loyalty is absolute.

785. Everyone knows we are getting old when the only factor we wish for that birthday is not being reminded from this.

786. There is lots fun to get two occasions as much perspectives.

787. A great deal alike forever linked but they are also quite distinct.

788. Doggy see doggy do I have got a great boy that is super awesome. Doggy see doggy do you are that wonderful grand boy which I enjoy you. Happy Birthday.

789. I only give birthday cards for the best most critical people on the planet. Hers yours. You deserve it. Happy Birthday.

790. About my birthdays I do not remember the amount of but merely this year Mother states I am turning Two.

791. Lots of nutrients can be found in pairs like ears socks and panda bears. But in addition will be the number of twins with extra laughter double grins.

792. Used to do formerly crawl now I take advantage of a tricycle. Soon I am going to be around the bicycle. Seriously develop I am turning 3.

793. I wish you a happy birthday a nice life full of joy and I desire you continue in your mission of being happy - making happy beings because the way to being happy is to make others happy first.

794. It is as simple as 1-2-3 A birthdays more fun in the event you cut the dessert with me at night.

795. Remembering your smile makes me smile when I am really sad. Wishing your smile and you a Happy Birthday. 

796. It is said that age is within your mind. The key is keeping it from coming lower for your body.

797. Our birthday festivities are lower inside the broad wing of your energy.

798. Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wings of time.

799. One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.

800. On this wonderful day a star of pure love appeared to be my gift my present and my future you. I am very thankful for all the joy you bring into my life. Happy Birthday.

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