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Proud of You Messages and Quotes

Proud of You Messages and Quotes

Some people are really special in our life and also so close to our heart. Whenever they achieve something, we genuinely feel happy for them. Again, we are always proud of them just for being who they are. To appreciate our close ones is an obligatory thing. They can be your mother, father, sister-brother, or friend. Let them know you are sincerely proud of them. It will boost up their self-confidence and they will love it. Here are some good Proud of You messages which can help you to make your close ones happy.

Proud of You Messages

I am proud of you no matter what you do in your life. Just know that I will be always supporting you.

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It is not necessary to succeed every time you try to achieve something. It’s okay to fail sometimes. I’m already so proud of you.

You make me feel so proud every day with your courage, kindness and hard work. It is a privilege knowing you in this life.

So Proud of You Quotes

You have won even before you started. I am so much proud of you my friend!

Son, I am so proud of you. Raising you was such a wonderful experience for me. I love you.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are inside-out. I am so happy and proud of the kindhearted woman you have become.

Thank you for being my reason to brag all the time. I am so proud of you sister. You are a gem.

I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place.

I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. I am really proud of you.

At this stage, you are killing it. I cannot tell how proud I am of you bro. You are one in a million.

I am really proud of you. The way you handle every challenge of your life, it inspires me a lot.

You are such a wonderful human being inside-out. Be proud of who you are, don’t be upset over the fact that some people will always judge you no matter what.

You are unstoppable because you do not fear failure and doubts despite having them in your life and that is what makes me proud of you.

Proud of You Messages for Girlfriend

Baby, I hope you know that I will be always by your side no matter what. I am always proud of you.

My love, you know sometimes I have trouble expressing my feelings. But I hope you know how much you mean to me. I may fail to express sometimes but I am really proud of you.

Watching you achieving all those things you were working hard for makes me so happy. You deserve all these successes. I can’t even say how much proud I am of your hard work.

Just a small reminder that I will always be proud of you regardless of whatever you do in your life. Just keep chasing your dreams, baby!

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I am lucky to have you in my life and cannot say how much proud I am of you and your success buttercups.

You are like my world cup trophy. Sometimes it feels like I can spend years talking about you to others. I hope you understand how proud I am of you, beautiful.

Proud of You Messages for Boyfriend

I know the past few months were so hard for you but finally, you achieved what you wanted. You’ve made me the proudest girlfriend ever.

The way you inspire me and always cheer me up, I am really grateful to have you in my life. I am so proud of you, baby.

Proud of You Quotes for Lover

Sometimes it blows my mind to think how hard-working and enthusiastic person you are. You have your goals and you are working so hard for it. I am really of you, my love.

I am that lucky person who gets to learn so much from you. So proud of you and best wishes on your journey towards glory.

I am so proud to see you turning from a lover to a responsible man. My heart is filled with pride to see you succeed in everything you do. I love you.

I was impressed with you for the very first time I laid my eyes on you. And since then, you are making me proud of almost everything you do. Love ya my man.

Proud of You Messages for Son

Dear son, you can’t even imagine what you are to me. No matter what happens, I will always love you and support you. I am really proud of you.

I will not tell you I am proud of you even though I am. I will tell you it makes me happy seeing you be proud of yourself.

Never think that you are alone. Wherever you are, your parents are always thinking about you. I am always right here whenever you need me. I love you and so proud of you, my son.

We may have given you the financial and emotional support you needed, but you have given us thousands of reasons to be proud of you for who you are today. Thank you, son! We love you so much.

Dear son, follow your dream, work hard and be proud of yourself. We are proud of you anyways. Love you!

The future belongs to you my dear son. Because you are making us proud since you have taken your first step on the soil. Believe in yourself and go ahead.

Proud of You Messages for Daughter

Having a daughter like you is a blessing. You always make me proud of your hard work. I love you.

My beautiful daughter, we are always proud of you. So, don’t ever get upset over anything, do whatever you want to do. We will always have your back.

If you are giving your best effort and working hard, then you are already successful. You have all rights to be proud of yourself.

Seeing you turning into a beautiful butterfly from a cute cocoon fills my heart with infinite joy and pride. You are the most beautiful and sensible daughter in the world. We love you honey.

You have come so far. You worked so hard and left no stone unturned to make your dreams come true. Do you have any idea how proud you’ve made us of yourself? Go big my little girl!

Stop worrying about our expectations and do what your heart wants. We will always be proud of you regardless of your success & failures dear girl.

Not everyone has a sister like you. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you and so proud of you.

Dear sister, you always inspire me and encourage me to do whatever I want to do. You have always helped me. I am really lucky to have you. I am so proud of you.

My lovely little sister, I am so proud of you. I didn’t realize how my baby sister has grown up so much. You have become an amazing and hardworking woman.

Just believe in yourself and remember we believe in you. You have made us proud earlier and will continue to do so in the future. You are the best sister one can have.

One of the happiest and proudest moments of life is when you find the courage to let go of what you cannot change. So proud of you my strongest!

In this world, you are my favorite person and sister. I always fall short in words when it comes to telling you how proud I am of you. Keep it coming.

Proud of You Messages for Brother

Dear brother, I will be always with you. No matter what you do you will always make me proud. I love you and so proud of you.

The way you challenged yourself and achieved the things you wanted; it became an inspiration to me. I am really proud of you.


You have always supported me, whenever I needed you. And nothing makes me prouder than calling you my brother.

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I am just reminding you that you have accomplished a lot so far and we cannot be enough proud of you dear brother.

Look, who’s back in the game lately! Ah, my brother or who else! You are making me prouder every day. Thanks for being my inspiration.

The way you have changed yourself over the years is commendable. My heart fills with pride seeing you so emotionally strong and independent. Keep it up.

Proud of You Messages for Friend

Dear best friend, not everyone is blessed to have a friend like you. I am so proud of you because of everything you do for me.

I know you are not good with people. You don’t like socializing much but despite everything you took that challenge and went to the campaign. I am so proud of you, my friend.

Dear friend, I am so proud of your result. You really worked hard and you’ve got the result you wanted. Best wishes for your future.

I have not got any chance to tell you earlier but today I want to say it. I am so proud you buddy. You have come a long way and will go further. Mark my words.

I will always be proud of calling you my best friend. does not matter if our paths get separated in the coming time. You will always be my companion of joy and sorrow.

You are trying hard, fighting hard and making us prouder. You are doing better than you think. Just hold on and you will be there. Best of luck.

Words of encouragement always uplift someone’s soul but when you actually mean and tell your loved one how much proud you are of them; nothing can beat that overwhelming feeling. Recognize the hard work, the struggle, the accomplishments and feel free to express your thoughts with our messages. Tell your family, friends, partners how much you’re proud of them. Nothing can make them feel happier than a proud of you message of yours. Do not spare any medium to convey your feelings whether it is through social media, email, text or old ways of handwritten notes, letters, etc. Use our messages to make the days brighter of someone you love and care.

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