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80+ Surgery Wishes, Messages and Quotes

80+ Surgery Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Surgery Wishes : Going through surgery is one of the toughest things, and not everyone wants to undergo it. But we cannot escape our fate. If any of your nearest and dearest ones are going through surgery, your support is one of those things that give them courage and spirit. So, you must write to them best wishes for surgery so that it encourages and helps them recover. Your prayers and words of hope can comfort them. Here we are giving you some inspiring surgery wishes and messages to send your loved one before and after surgery.

Surgery Wishes

May God bless you on your surgery. Keep faith in Him, and He surely will fix everything.

You are brave, and you can overcome the surgery. Let’s pray to God for your quick recovery.

You’re in a professional’s hand, so don’t worry. Keep patience, and everything will be fine.

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I pray that God heals your pain and suffering. He will help you to feel better soon.

Glad to know that your surgery was less painful than what we have had imagined! I wish your recovery is smooth and short! Take care of yourself.

Dear, don’t lose hope. Just think that the surgery is for the sake of you and your health. Stay strong and go ahead. Wishes for your positive result!

It could be worse, right? At least, I am not the one doing your surgery! Cheer up, mate! Sending you all the love and best wishes for the surgery!

Best wishes for your recovery after this surgery. I’m always there for you to give you support and spirit.

Don’t be sad if you’re a little sick. All the best for your fastest recovery.

You’re brave enough to decide on surgery. Soon, everything will be better.

I know you’ll recover soon because you are my hero. I’ll be waiting to meet you soon.

Do not let any negative thoughts take away your courage. May God bless you to recover soon.

You are always in my prayers since the first day of your illness. Better days are coming; don’t be hopeless.

Lights come after darkness. This darkness will never last forever. Keep your faith in God, and let’s pray for your recovery.


Don’t feel sad or lonely, know that all your dear ones are keeping you in their prayer and cannot see you in your usual self! All the very best wishes for your fastest recovery.

Thank you for taking the decision of going with surgery. This is very brave of you! Best of luck with the surgery. Sending nothing but Good luck and love!

I know even though you are acting all cool but you’re quite worried about the surgery. Well, don’t worry you are in the hand of the best professionals! May Almighty bless you and keep you strong.

Thanks god that your surgery went well. May you appreciate the best health possible today and for a long time to come. Please accept my good wishes.

Wanted to write something cheerful but oh god surgery sucks and we all know this! Sending my love and good wishes on your time of recovery!

I know that your surgery is taking place today and you are nervous but remember that this is for your betterment! We are all out here praying for you! Love you!

I’m really happy to hear that it is done and over it! I wish for the easiest and speediest recovery! And remember that “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!” Watch me visiting you with boxes of apple for you!

I feel like God showed his mercy on you and you get to know about the disease in an earlier stage and now you are having surgery! Be brave, everything soon will be better!

Don’t be afraid. Everything will be fine after the surgery. You’re a brave soul, and you got this.

Best Wishes Before Surgery

It’s natural to have fear before surgery, but I know you can overcome this. Sickness is a part of our life, and we cannot escape it. Soon you’ll be back with us.

If you feel sad, remember you’re not alone. Your nearest and dearest one is with you to support and accompany you during your crucial time. I hope the surgery goes well.

There is no reason to fear because God is always with you. You will be fine. We all are waiting for seeing you soon as a healthy, strong, and handsome guy! Wish you all the best!

Dear friend, in my life, you are the one who stayed with me all my difficult situation and I’m also the one who stayed beside you in every difficult time. I hope you can quickly recover your surgery. Stay strong!

It is very true that every person feels some fear because of surgery. But you are the strongest and that’s why you have taken the right decision. I am sending you all the love and good wishes!

What are you thinking right now? A bunch of viruses is stronger than you? No Dear! You are the one who can stay strong whatever happens. So don’t worry & just go through this procedure! Stay strong!

Dear, just think that surgery is a very simple thing. When the surgery starts, take it like you are going to sleep and after completing you’ll feel better than before! Don’t worry! Wishing you a very fast recovery!

I think surgery is a painful thing and you also think that. But keep one thing in your mind that after completing the surgery you will feel much better than before and it is good for your health. Take care of yourself!

Enter into the surgery room is like an adventure Dear. You may be senseless the whole time and I’m sure that you’ll complete your journey safely. Don’t be afraid Dear! Wish you all the best!

Don’t worry! You are in the hand of the best professionals. So, there is nothing to be worried about. You’ll see that you will recover soon and we all are visiting you there. Good luck!

Look at the future with positivity. It’s time to leave the negativity from your body. The doctors will do whatever is necessary for your body. Keep in mind that all is well. Best wishes for your surgery!

Dear, I’m sending you all the positive energy all over the world! During this time I can’t stay beside you but believe me, my love is always there! I’ll there as soon as possible. Take my love and stay strong!

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I realize you needn’t bother with me to tell you how bold, brave, or decided you are, yet I simply need you to realize that we know those things about you. And, believe that today will be okay, relax!

Look at the positive sides and best of luck for the surgery! Don’t worry, don’t get nervous; just relax. I will be visiting you at the hospital, so don’t feel bad!

I just want you to know that I really care about you and your health! Best of luck, everything will be alright! May Almighty bless you, don’t worry yourself much.

I really hope and wish that the surgery is effective and cause you less pain! Hang in there. Sending you all my support and best wishes! Good luck with the surgery.

I really hope when you wake up from the surgery, you can go, “That’s it? That’s what they had for me? I could have taken more, you know?” to us! Sending all my positive thoughts and wishes for you!

May you have enough strength to undergo surgery. Best wishes to you. There is no reason to worry because you’ll be fine after the surgery. I wish you all the best.

You stayed with me in my tough times, and now it’s my turn to return the favor. You’ll be healthy after the surgery for the remaining days of your life.

I’m always with you, no matter what. If you ever feel devastated, know that someone is praying for your recovery. The surgery will be successful and smooth. Don’t worry.

We’re praying for you, and the doctors will try their best for a perfect surgery. You are the strongest, and this surgery will improve your health condition. Best wishes to you.

Surgery often seems critical, but this is for the sake of your betterment. Don’t lose hope. I’ll be there for you to hold your hands and give support to you, so you feel better.

After the surgery, you’ll regain your lost health, and everything is going to be okay soon. I wish you all the best. Stay strong, dear!

Surgery Wishes Messages After Surgery

So happy to hear that you’re improving after your surgery. I’m sure you’ll come back with more strength. Best wishes for your rapid recovery!

Just a message to send you my best wishes after your surgery. I hope you come back to your normal life soon. We miss you. Take care of your health.

I have always admired you for your courage and positivity. I become very glad to know that during your surgery you stayed strong there. Get well soon dear!

Dear, I’m praying all the time during your surgery and now it’s complete. So now time to come back home. Wishes for your fast recovery!

When I heard that your surgery was done successfully then there is no bound of my joy. I hope now you feeling much better than before. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

This message is for just wanted to let you know how caring we all are about you. We all are sending you wishes for your fast recovery and good health. Don’t lose hope. We all are on your side. Get well soon dear!

Dear, your absence had created a vacuum in our group. We miss you a lot. It’s great that your surgery had done and after some days you may join with us as before. Our group will get its life back! Wishing for your fast recovery!

I’m praying to Allah for your very fast recovery than anything else. I hope Allah will understand my feeling! My best wishes for your fast and full recovery!

Wishing that every day will bring your happiness, brighter time, healthier and happier you. Get well soon dear!

It’s good to hear that you are out of danger now. Now, try to stay positive through your recovery. Wish you all the best!

I knew how brave and strong you are! And you again prove it during surgery dear! Now waiting for your fast recovery. Get well soon!

Do you know how special you are to me? I miss you all the time. During your surgery, I can’t stay there, but my soul was there always. Now you are out of the surgery room, and we’ll meet as soon as possible. Wishes for your fast recovery!

Dear, how are you feeling right now? I hope you are feeling better than before. Wishes for a healthy and happier you!

Glad that your surgery went well, now use your superpowers well and get in your feet soon! Good wishes for a speedy recovery. We miss you so much here, get well soon, please.

I know this has been a hard time for you and your family but hold on! I admire your courage so much. I hope that all your suffering are left behind! Happy healing!

I really hope you are feeling better now after your surgery! Really hope the hospital is treating you well. Sending you wishes for better and faster recovery, take extra good care of yourself!

It is good to hear that you are out of danger now. I’ve said my extra prayers for you! And remember that I’m here for you. For whatever, for as long as you need! No worries!

We all are praying hard to almighty for your fast recovery! Don’t feel bored at the hospital, think of this as the universe is telling you to take some rest and spend your time with your family!

It was a challenging and tough time, but see; you proved how strong you’re! I hope you are resting and taking your medicines properly. I hope that you’ll get better soon.

It’s a relief that the surgery went smoothly. I cannot wait to see you. Take rest, and you’ll be fine. Best wishes for your betterment.

It isn’t easy for me to see you undergoing this big surgery, but I’m glad that everything was okay. Take rest and know that I’m here for you if you need anything.

Inspirational Surgery Quotes

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H Schuller

“Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now but it never rains forever.” – Evan Carmichael

“Life is very interesting. In the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.” – Drew Barrymore

“The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love.” – Hubert Humphrey

Surgery Quotes

“Life is, at times, tough. And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it.” – Sanhita Baruah

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Khalil Gibran

“Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

“Stay strong, be brave, love hard and true, and you will have nothing to lose.” – Demi Lovato

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway

“The present is the ever moving shadow that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope.” – Frank Lloyd Wright

“There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.” – Orison Swett Marden

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“It is because of hope that you suffer. It is through the hope that you’ll change things.” – Maxime Lagacé

“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.” – Tony DeLiso

“Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.” – William Ellery Channing

“There are so many things that life is, and no matter how many breakthroughs, trials will exist and we’re going to get through it. Just be strong.” – Mary J. Blige

When someone is having surgery, he or she needs some emotional and mental support! Words of encouragement for surgery can help so much to endure their anxiety and nervousness. Some strong support and validation are needed before and after the surgery so that they can feel that they are loved and cared for. The small wishes before and after the operation with inspirational messages and emotional messages will help them. Even proper words with a stroke of simple good luck with surgery message can bring a smile on their face! Don’t forget to make them feel less worried and put out a smile on their face by sending a surgery message.

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