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Flirty Messages For Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Bestie

Flirty Messages For Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Bestie

Flirting in relationship always make a way to have some fun, keep the relation more stronger and the understanding also. But most often it’s vary on the relationship which kind of flirty text messages you have to use, it’s also depends on your common sense. There are many different types of Flirty Messages from which here we compiled some cute and funny flirty messages and quotes that are best to share with boyfriend, girlfriend or bestie. Let’s have a look to find the best flirty messages and funny flirty quotes to make charm your loved one.

Cute Flirty Text Messages

Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes.

You’ve got such a pretty butt! It’s a pity that you have to sit on it!

I wish I could be your homework, so you’ll spend time with me every night.

Do you know that you would look great with two pounds less … in my opinion those clothes weigh exactly two pounds!

I am a winner, for I found the happiest place of the universe. No, it’s not Paris; neither it’s Disney land… It is your arms! So, are you willing to make me happiest person tonight?

Let’s commit the perfect crime, I’ll steal your heart and you steal mine.

I had a dream we were sexting, so I woke up and decided to turn it into a reality.

Can you see me? no? Turn around, can you see me now? no? Turn again, can you see me now? I can see you because you have a special place in my heart!

I wish I was the mirror of your room, Then you would have stood in front of me every now and then!

Are you hungry, by any chance? I’m starving, but no one will agree to get Chipotle with me.

I need you 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, you are my incentive, I live for you.

Is that love I see in your eyes, or merely a reflection of mine?

I dream those eyes, those lips, that face, that body…Ok, that’s a lot about Me! Why don’t you tell me something about you?

If we have the time to “like” each other’s Instagram pics, we have the time to text.

What can be better than looking into your eyes every day? Only feeling your heart beat and being the reason for your happiness.

I really can’t wait until tomorrow… You keep getting more and more beautiful every damn single day!

My lips whisper only your name, my heart misses only you and my eyes are looking in a crowd only for you. I love you.

I’m making the first move when it comes to texting, so I’m expecting you to make the first move when it comes to kissing.

Flirty Messages For Her/Girlfriend

Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.

Your lips look lonely! would they like to meet mine?

Are you a mum? I am not a dad! Maybe you could help me with that!

I dream of you last night… who knew you could move like that?

If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.

You are lying in your bed now and I wish I were your pillow, which you hug every night.

Do your feet never hurt ???? … You are wondering around my thoughts all day long….

Let’s play 20 question. What’s your name? What’s your favorite color? Wanna go out with me Saturday night?

I just wish I could give you a big, warm good night hug right now. Sweet dreams beautiful.

Christmas is near, Please send me your picture so that I can send my wish list to Santa. I have heard, The early you send your wish, the earlier Santa fulfills it.

Hey last time I looked at my keyboard, I noticed that “u” and “i” are always together.

I agree with Dylan: I long to reach for you in the night…lay lady lay… Sweet dreams.

You know, too much of anything is bad. You are so adorable and that is bad for me because I am badly falling in love with you.

Why do I always think of you when I’m trying to concentrate on studying… Grrr, hate you so much right now!

Hey, I was wondering, do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by you again?

I’m so tired, I just snuggled up in bed. Thinking of you. Nighty night.

Dear, I am going to through a serious issue, And I am unable to get it rid of it. …. It is that I can’t stop thinking about you! You are over my mind for every little moment!

Funny Love Messages For Girlfriend

You know, I saw you in my dreams last night, you looked so hot!

Oh yes!! I found a perfect remedy for your sore lips! You will get the treatment tonight after dinner. Be ready!

You are like Midas, but instead of turning everything you touch into gold, you make everything melt with your touch.

Have you ever realized that U & I are always together! No matter what … On the computer keyboard I meant 😉

Flirty Messages For Him/Boyfriend

How can I spell s_cess without “U” or c_tie, or _niq_e? I can’t even have f_n or good l_ck without “U”. Looks like I just can’t s_rvive without… “U”!

People I know call me different names, I do not actually care. But with you, I’d prefer if you call me “mine”.

Congratulations! You got the role of the main man in my life, as a reward you receive a romantic date with me!

During maths I was thinking of you but I cannot calculate how much I love you!!

Come over, I have all your favorites. Pizza, beer, and of course, ME.

You are busy now and I am dreaming about the day when I will keep you busy for the whole life.

People have started calling me a drunk. But the reason I look so is not drinking alcohol, But I am totally intoxicated by you boy!

What would you do if I told you that I have an identical twin sister?

Hey cutie. Haven’t talked to you in awhile. Thought I’d say hello!

Stop thinking about me! It’s hard isn’t it 😉

Hello! What’s wrong with your phone? I’ve been calling so many times! It just keeps saying: “The subscriber you are trying to reach is in your heart, check again!”

You know what, we are meant to be. You are my Mr. Right and I will become your Mrs. Always Right. Doesn’t that sound fun?

New rule has been introduced! ‘All smoking hot guys will be imprisoned” Oh dear, I am so worried for you, Please go and hide somewhere!

Can’t stop thinking about you boy, You were just fab in my last night’s dream! And that is still making me blush.

I’m trying on these new bras, but I need a second opinion. Care to share your thoughts?

I’m wearing a colored bra today, guess what color!

I love to walk with you! Not because it is kinda sweet, But because I love the jealous expressions of other girls seeing me walking with a smoking hot guy. So, where are we going on a walk?

I am absolutely addicted to you, baby, I need to see you every single day.

Best Flirty Messages

Sweet dreams….with me in them.

It’s gotta be illegal to look that good!

Are you free for the rest of your life?

I can’t taste my lips, could you do it for me?

Tonight hot dinner will be served: Menu is Beer, Chicken and ME!

I just heard a song on the radio, and it describes our relationship perfectly.

I really like our friendship, but I was thinking… maybe we could be friends with benefits?

When I saw you for the first time, I though your name was Angel, because you look like you were sent from the sky!

Your mirror is way too lucky! Every time you look into it, it gets to look back at you!

I think I just saw you or someone that looked just like you, are you wearing a green turtleneck today?

Oh no dear, I need your help urgently! I forget the way to my home! Can I come with you at your home for tonight?

I was thinking of dressing up in something hot tonight, what would you prefer, maid or nurse?

There are seven billion people in the world, and I have chosen you, my pikachu!

I know you have a busy day ahead of you, but could you add me on to your to-do list?

Do you have a coin? I want to call your parents to thank them.

Explain something to me—what’s the big deal with threesomes?

Oooooh, I like the sound of that.

I think I should tell you what people are saying behind your back… Nice Butt!

Dear, we hope that you have enjoyed these flirty messages and funny flirty quotes, really these are the best and your loved one will be happy by receiving it from you.

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