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best cream for fair and glowing skin

This modern age is full with the chemical and with the things those effect skin badly. Due to these chemically developed things and due to environmental issues. Keep in mind our skin is not weak, but there are thousands of environmental issues which effect on our skin and make it weak. As well in this age we use all the things those are chemically developed.

Most of the girls wants to have white and glowing skin, for this purpose they use number of expensive creams or beauty products. But these beauty products damage their skin badly. You should aware that these chemical products, make your skin white for short time and damage your skin internal cells. If you are looking for any skin whitening cream, just forget it to find out any cream for this purpose because there is not a single cream which not damage your skin tissues / cells.

Here are few natural remedies to improve skin, without having any issue or problem. As in routine we eat different things but without knowing the quantity of anything / food. If you manage your diet accordingly your skin and body issue will not remain. Here are few suggestions for you to improve skin beauty with natural beauty tips.

If you want to have beautiful and white skin all the time, stay tune with us and continue reading. Because beauty tips have natural beauty tips for you in this article. For glowing skin its necessary to have best diet and best health. For said purpose you should take care of your body as well to achieve beauty apply few natural beauty tips. Take recommended quantity of fruits to attain beauty all the times, as well for healthy life. Hydration is important factor, to have beautiful skin and white skin. To make hydrate and healthy skin take eight to ten water of drinking water within in day. Water will make your skin hydrate and will help them to become healthy and shiny.

Above mentioned all things were introduction for the beauty. Here are top 5 natural beauty tips. These top 5 beauty secrets will improve your skin health and your skin will glow like star.

Top 5 beauty secrets for girls / women / men’s

Attain beauty with Neem


Little different, natural herbal having multiple benefits, most ignored with bundle of benefits is Neem. Most of the girls hate neem, because of its taste. Stay! This tips is not to drinking neem water because we know you don’t like it much. To get benefits from neem, take leaves of neem and use it gently to make beautiful and glowing skin within days. How to use this natural remedy:

Take leave of neem and dip it into water and boil it well, add less quantity of water for better results.

Once you done it, leave it for few minutes till it’s getting normal

When you done this remedy, take cotton and dip it in prepared remedy and apply it gently on your face skin

Wait for fifteen to twenty minutes for results, don’t apply it on daily basis. You can use it thrice a week.

You may also use neem with cucumber for the betterment of oily skin. Need to apply this remedy for a month for better results and for betterment of your skin. Your skin will shine and glowing after that.

Brighten skin with Saffran


 All the times, beauty tips concentrate on the health of skin and the development of the skin internal cells which support your skin to become brighten and beautiful. To achieve this goal use the following remedy:

Saffron strands marinate with milk for half hour. As well add sandalwood powder, one tea spoon and mix it to prepare mixture. Stay for fifteen to twenty minutes. When it become dry wash it with any recommended soap and keep in mind don’t clear it with towel.

Your skin will brighten and shine within few days. You may apply this remedy on daily basis.

Increase Skin Beauty with Amla

To have healthy skin is mean a lot. If you want to have beautiful and healthy skin you should go with this remedy. Amla have vitamins C in high quantity. Which improve your skin and beauty at the same-time. To attain beauty and develop healthy skin, follow the procedure:

Purchase amla juice or take it from Amla, its little tricky and difficult work so, purchase is more easy. Make your routine to drink amla juice on daily basis. It have vitamins C at large qunaitity, as well have different nutrients. It will help your skin cells, and will make your skin beautiful.

Sleep well for beautiful look


If you want to have beautiful look and glowing and shiny skin. Must sleep nine to ten hours a day (night). As well it helps you to remove dark circles those are appear around the eyes.

Fair skin with natural honey 


For glowing and for the brighten skin you should use the natural element honey. To attain beauty and to make it glowing and shiny apply honey on your face once or twice a week. Honey is powerful and useful cleanser which also support your skin to make it brighten and beautiful.

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