Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes Quotes
Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes
Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes For Wife
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Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes : Every Christian have this holy event called wedding in their life. The wedding is a bondage between man and woman decreed by God in the bible and accepted by all Christians. It is quite common for all Christians to attend a marriage ceremony every now and then. When a Christian couple spends years together as a husband and wife, they need to be appreciated and praised. Be it your own anniversary or mom and dad, brother or sister, family member, friend, coworker either a couple you know, religious Christian wedding wishes or messages can make their wedding anniversary moments even more wonderful. Most of all, by wishing them good luck and happiness, you are also appreciating god’s divine decree and the holy ritual itself for making the world a place for love.

Our sweet Lord made you two as an example for the rest of us. I wish you live forever until we forget to count your anniversaries. Happy wedding anniversary dear!
Even after all these years, whenever I see you two, I can see the eternal rays of love God is sending from heaven. May this last forever! Happy anniversary!
Religious Christian Anniversary Messages
Years ago, two holy souls were bonded together in a holy Christian ritual. Today I’m wishing them a happy wedding anniversary. May God shower you with joy and love for the rest of your life.
You have passed the test of time, survived together all these years. Don’t stop here. Keep showing the world what wedding means for a devoted Christian. God bless you!
Happy wedding anniversary to the most beautiful Christian couple ever. Wish you many more years together. May God be with you for eternity!
You are the perfect Christian couple I have ever seen. On this special occasion, I want to wish both of you a happy forever together!
Only love in its truest form and the blessings of Lord Jesus can make a marriage so happy. I am honored to be around to see both you together all these years. Happy wedding anniversary!
You two are the most blessed man and wife on this earth. Keep this love alive for the rest of your life. Wish you all the best!
You are one of the best Christian couple I have ever known. Every true Christian deserves such kind of marriage in their life. Stay together forever. Wish you a blessed life together.
Two devoted Christians make the best couple. You are the best example of this. Keep inspiring us. May you two be together and God be with you for many more anniversaries to come!

Christian Anniversary Wishes for Husband/Wife
Christian couples are one of the happiest couples among all the religions. If you are one of those happy Christian husband and wife who have spent a long journey together, you should check out these wedding anniversary wishes for that special occasion.
Finding a devoted husband like you is the best achievement in my life. I thank god everyday because he’s been so kind to me. Happy wedding anniversary dear!
For me, heaven is being you and hell is being without you. Only god knows how much I’m in love with you! Let us pray to lord for all that he has blessed us with all these years.
Christian Anniversary Wishes for Husband or Wife
Firstly, I’m lucky to be born to Christian parents, Secondly I’m lucky to be married to a Christian husband, thirdly, I’m lucky that god kept you close to me all these years.
For me, you are the light that keeps guiding me towards salvation. I love you. Happy wedding anniversary!
I’m not afraid of anything as long as god keeps us close to each other. Happy wedding anniversary my love!
May god bless us for many more years so we can serve his holy purpose on this earth! It’s a pleasure to have a companion like you in this journey.
I loved god unconditionally and thought he was so unrewarding. Then he sent you for me and showed me his generosity has no limits.
You are a devoted Christian and a devoted wife. May god bless me the strength to keep you close and happy as long as I live! Happy wedding anniversary!
I am more than lucky to have a god loving companion like you. A Christian husband is the best thing any woman can ask for. Happy wedding anniversary dear husband!
Christian Anniversary Wishes for Mom/Dad
Your mom and dad are the ones who have passed the test of time together and raised you as a true Christian. So when it comes to their wedding anniversaries put aside all your shyness and wish them the most unforgettable Christian wedding anniversary wish.
Whenever I look at you, I realize how much blessed I am. Stay together forever like this. Happy wedding anniversary dear mom and dad!

Firstly I am proud because I am a Christian. Secondly, I’m proud because I have a mom and dad like you. I want to see you two together till I close my eyes. Happy wedding anniversary!
Christian Anniversary Wishes for Mom Dad
Dear parents, you have loved each other all these years and raised us in a truly Christian family. We thank god every day and pray to him that he always keeps you together.
Happy wedding anniversary! May God bless us with many more years so we can wish more anniversaries like this!
True love isn’t hard to find. You just have to look into the couple who truly loves our Lord. They are the one that never leaves each other.
Happy marriages are hard to find. Whoever said that wasn’t surely raised by a true Christian couple. Luckily, I was! Happy anniversary!
You were together when I was born, together when I was a little child and still together when I’m all grown up. I pray to god that you stay together till I close my eyes.
Thanks to that holy Christian ritual called a wedding. I have been born and brought up by two amazing people like you. I wish you an eternity together.
Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes for a Friend
If your friends are having a wedding anniversary, it’s your duty to let them know how much you appreciate their marriage. Let them know how blessed they are and how much God loves them. Here are some Christian Wedding Anniversary Wishes for a friend.
God loves you more than you know. Maybe this is the reason why you have such a happy and wonderful marriage life. Happy wedding anniversary!
Your love for God has been awarded an everlasting happy marriage. May you always be happy for the rest of your life!
Happy wedding anniversary to the most amazing and god loving person I have ever known. God is always with you. May your marriage life become more wonderful!
Christian Anniversary Messages for Friend
Your marriage was a tree gifted to you by God. Every anniversary is like one sweet fruit of it. May we live long to have more fruits from that tree!
I’m lucky to have seen such a wonderful and devoted couple in my life. Wish you all the happiness on this special occasion.
Only true Christians can have a successful marriage like yours. God bless us all just like you. Happy wedding anniversary!
I knew you would have a happy married life. Because our Lord never disappoints his devoted pupils. Happy wedding anniversary!
I want to wish you a million wedding anniversaries. Stay close to your partner forever. Pray to god and thank him for what he has given to you.
Christian Anniversary Wishes for Couple
These days it’s hard to find couples who are happily married together. But there are some who have kept faith in the holy ritual of Christianity and never gave up on each other. These husbands and wives are jewels. Never miss the chance to appreciate their love.
The relation of husband and wife is the most wonderful relation decided by God himself. This bondage is even more beautiful when two beautiful souls like you come together. Happy wedding anniversary!
God has been so much kind to both of you as he blessed two of you with the company of each other for life.

If it wasn’t for you two, I would never realize the holy purpose of a man and wife sharing their rest of the life together, under one roof. Happy wedding anniversary dear!
Christian Anniversary Wishes for Couple
On this very special day, I want you to thank god for he has given you the perfect partners. Stay close to god just like you’ve stayed close to each other all these years.
Every relation has ups and downs. But remember always, if God Almighty wants to keep you close to each other, nothing can make you leave each other. Happy wedding anniversary!
May your love for each other exist for eternity! Happy wedding anniversary! God bless both of you.
Let God’s love brighten your life of a husband and wife in the years yet to come, just like he did all these years.
Love that exists between a husband and a wife comes directly from heaven. You two have always made me realize this truth. Happy wedding anniversary!
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