War in the country is about outside forces imposing their agents: Siraj-ul-Haq

ISLAMABAD (Daily Pakistan Online) Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Siraj-ul-Haq said that the purpose of war is to impose its agents in the name of external forces, the rulers are captive of desires and they have given the people gifts of inflation, unrest and poverty. Dance, destroyed society by introducing a culture of blasphemy into politics. The incompetent rulers have made the grassroots of Islamic Pakistan sit behind the flour machines, two percent of the elite control 98 percent of the nation's resources, only 18 adults have declared assets of four thousand billion.
Siraj-ul-Haq while addressing the Sirat-ul-Nabi conference said that whenever an order is given by the IMF, the people of Islamabad execute it regardless of any risk. Economic, political and social disaster is spreading in the country. Sections are trying to make it a country like Syria and Libya. We have to work together to bring peace, prosperity and development to the country. Then we will be freed from slavery.
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He said that Pakistan was created in such a way that the religion of Allah is practiced here and it appears as a model Islamic country in the world, but for 75 years, Islamic laws were not applied here even for a single day, there was no change. . in any industry. The British Rib Act of 1839 is still in place in 2023. The day after the resolution was passed in the Senate, the State Bank increased the interest rate. If profiteering and corruption ends, good governance is introduced, equitable distribution of resources becomes possible and there is competent and honest leadership, then Pakistan will emerge as a great country on the world map.
Siraj-ul-Haq said that all the experiments in the country have failed, people have seen the period of 35 years of dictators and also tested the strength of the so-called democratic parties, now only the Islamic system can pull the boat out. from the maelstrom and only Jamaat-e-Islami. Only this system can give the country.
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