How to Wish Eid Mubarak to friends and family

Eid is a great feast when all family members, good friends and dear family members meet and celebrate with unusual food and wonderful blessings, as well as eternal memories. We have put together some amazing Eid Mubarak messages, announcements and another world of Eid Mubarak GIFs so you can easily send Eid wishes to your friends and family.
Everyone who wants to meet his Lord must do good deeds and one should worship his Lord.
In humility, prayer and bowing in gratitude we find the true and lasting blessing of Ramadan Kareem!
Oh, you who believe! Enter into absolute peace [Islam]. Those who follow in the footsteps of Satan are doomed in this world and in the Hereafter. He is your direct enemy. (Koran: 2, 208)
I put my trust in Allah, the Lord and God of me and all the worlds. There is no moving creature, but He grabs His front lock. Indeed, my Lord is on the right path [truth]. (Quran 11: 55-56)
The deprivation of one innocent life is like the deprivation of all mankind - and the salvation of one life is like the salvation of all mankind. (Quran, 5:33)
You will not achieve justice until you spend it on charity for what you love. "
He is One God; Creator, initiator, designer. He possesses the most beautiful words. To glorify Him is all that is in heaven and on earth. He is the Almighty, the wisest. (Quran 59:24)
Do good deeds right, sincere and with moderation, and know that your deeds will not cause you to enter paradise and that Allah's favourite activity is the most ordinary and constant, even if it was small. "Vol. 8, hadith 471
And whoever fears Allah and does his duty towards him, he will bring forth a way out of all troubles. [Al-Talaaq 65: 2]
And whoever trusts in Allah will suffice for him. "[Al-Talaak 65: 3]
In every general smile and laughter; Every silent prayer is heard; In every opportunity you have, may Allah bless you immensely! Eids Mubarak
May Allah in this case flood your life with happiness, your heart with love, your soul with spirituality, your mind with wisdom, and wish you a happy Oath.
I send you my best wishes Eid and I wish you joy and happiness in your journey. Remember me in your prayers.
May Allah bless: happy are your days; Your weakness with prosperity; Your months of satisfaction; And your years with love and peace! HAPPY EID-UL-FITR!

May the magic of this Eid bring much happiness into your life and may you celebrate it with all your good friends and may it fill your heart with miracles. Eids Mubarak
When the sun goes down and the day is over, I will break this chain, but only one. By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be gone! It's time for Eid and lots of fun !!!
Eid ... Time for joy, time to be together, time to remember my blessings ... It's you! May Allah bless you and give you all the joy you give in my life!
May the holy month of the revelation of the Qur'an ... bring you peace, happiness and prosperity.
EID MUBARAK! How can I find a wish word that expresses my feelings in your own way? Your smile makes my life even brighter every day, sincerely hope that this EID day brings warm, happy hours and bright, happy things ... Easy moments of friendship and fun to help make your EID great!
Let every flower in the garden of life bring your Eid with joy and fill your days with the sweet fragrance of happiness. Happy Oath!
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