Why do we celebrate 23 March?
23rd March – Our dearest Pakistan Resolution Day

Pakistan (Islamic republic of Pakistan) is most noteworthy Islamic Country right now. Pakistan was established by Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in fourteenth August 1947. Pakistan has brief history like the principle idea of Pakistan was kept by Allama Muhammad Iqbal in 29th December 1930, The name Pakistan was pronounced in 28th January 1933 by Chaudhary Rehmat Ali, Pakistan Resolution was passed in 23rd March 1940. Pakistan was set up as Islamic Republic in 23rd March 1956. Right now will examine the Lahore resolution which otherwise called the Pakistan Resolution 1940. Lahore Resolution which is well known as the Resolution of Pakistan was passed in 23rd March 1940 in the Minto Park which now-a-days is known as Iqbal Park of Lahore. The Lahore Resolution day is otherwise called Republic day.It is a national holiday in Pakistan to respect the Lahore Resolution day {23 March 1940} and the reception of the principal constitution of Pakistan during the progress of the domain of Pakistan to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on 23 March 1956 making Pakistan the world's first Islamic republic .The individuals of Pakistan celebrate 23rd March each year to recall the Lahore resolution day .The Lahore Resolution day march by the military is a typical festival for the event. The day is praised in the memory to remember the event when the Muslim League drafted the political resolution at the Minar-e-Pakistan,that called for setting up a free alliance including regions with Muslim dominant part situated in north-western and north-eastern area of British controlled domains in India on 23rd March 1940. Principle festivities are held in Islamabad–the capital of Pakistan .On 23rd March the President of Pakistan is generally the Chief Guest of the event .News channels spread the entire event live. The holiday remember a full military and regular citizen march for the capital, Islamabad in regards to the festival. The event is held early morning. The festival are all around oversaw by furnished power.
"Pakistan implies opportunity and freedom as well as the Muslim Ideology which must be saved, which has come to us as a valuable blessing and fortune and which, we trust other will impart to us" - Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
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